Anomalous spin-triplet current in Ho/Co/Ho-based Josephson junctions
L. Wen, L. J. Jin, Y. Chen, G. Q. Zha, and S. P. Zhou, Anomalous Spin-Triplet Current in Ho/Co/Ho-Based Josephson Junctions, Europhys. Lett. 105, 27007 (2014).
February 2021 – Present Italian National Research Council- SuPerconductors, oxides and other INnovative materials and devices (CNR-SPIN)
Fixed-term researcher (Post-Doc) in the framework of the TOPSPIN (“two-dimensional oxides platform for spin-orbitronics nanotechnology”)
Topic: Experimental methods for the study of the low temperature physics of transition metal oxides two- dimensional electron gas for applications in quantum technologies
May 2020 – December 2020 FACULTY OF PHYSICS - Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona POSTDOC IN PROF. JORDI SORT’S GROUP May 2020 - Sep. 2020
Fixed-term researcher (Post-Doc) in the framework of the ERC project ‘SPIN-PORICS MERGING
Along my study and job careers I gained massive familiarity with the following techniques and instruments:
L. Wen, L. J. Jin, Y. Chen, G. Q. Zha, and S. P. Zhou, Anomalous Spin-Triplet Current in Ho/Co/Ho-Based Josephson Junctions, Europhys. Lett. 105, 27007 (2014).
Y. Chen, B. Casals, and G. Herranz, Plasticity of Persistent Photoconductance of Amorphous LaAlO3/SrTiO3 Interfaces under Varying Illumination Conditions, ACS Appl. Electron. Mater. 1, 810 (2019).
Y. Chen, B. Casals, F. Sánchez, and G. Herranz, Solid-State Synapses Modulated by Wavelength-Sensitive Temporal Correlations in Optic Sensory Inputs, ACS Appl. Electron. Mater. 1, 1189 (2019).
Y. Chen, Y. Lechaux, B. Casals, B. Guillet, A. Minj, J. Gázquez, L. Méchin, and G. Herranz, Photoinduced Persistent Electron Accumulation and Depletion in LaAlO3/SrTiO3 Quantum Wells, Phys. Rev. Lett. 2020, 124, 246804
R. A. Maniyara, C. Graham, B. Paulillo, Y. Bi, Y. Chen, G. Herranz, D. E. Baker, P. Mazumder, G. Konstantatos, and V. Pruneri, Highly Transparent and Conductive ITO Substrates for near Infrared Applications, APL Mater. 9, 021121 (2021).
A. Nicolenco, Y. Chen, N. Tsyntsaru, H. Cesiulis, E. Pellicer, and J. Sort, Mechanical, Magnetic and Magnetostrictive Properties of Porous Fe-Ga Films Prepared by Electrodeposition, Mater. Des. 208, 109915 (2021).
Y. Chen, A. Nicolenco, P. Molet, A. Mihi, E. Pellicer, and J. Sort, Magneto-Ionic Suppression of Magnetic Vortices, Sci. Technol. Adv. Mater. 22, 972 (2021).
[1] Y. Chen, M. D’Antuono, N. B. Brookes, G. M. De Luca, R. Di Capua, E. Di Gennaro, G. Ghiringhelli, C. Piamonteze, D. Preziosi, B. Jouault, M. Cabero, J. M. González-Calbet, C. León, J. Santamaria, A. Sambri, D. Stornaiuolo, and M. Salluzzo, Ferromagnetic Quasi-Two-Dimensional Electron Gas with Trigonal Crystal Field Splitting, ACS Appl. Electron. Mater. 4, 3226 (2022).
Di Capua, R., Verma, M., Radovic, M. et al. Orbital selective switching of ferromagnetism in an oxide quasi two-dimensional electron gas. npj Quantum Mater. 7, 41 (2022).