Quantum Garden 琅嬛福地
Welcome to Quantum Garden.
It was stated: “the interface is the device”. This sharp and precise phrase coined by the Nobel laureate Herbet Kroemer, practically inspired and formed the basis of my scientific life.
Y. Chen, Y. Lechaux, B. Casals, B. Guillet, A. Minj, J. Gázquez, L. Méchin, and G. Herranz, Photoinduced Persistent Electron Accumulation and Depletion in LaAlO3/SrTiO3 Quantum Wells, Phys. Rev. Lett. 2020, 124, 246804
- Coding: I often use Matlab to process the experiment data, do simulations and calculations. Sometimes I also write Python code.
- GUI programming: I also use Originlab to process the data for the interaction with colleagues and supervisor. Ignor is very interesting. We use the Ignor Pro to cope with the spectroscopy data, in particular, ARPES data.
- Figure: Adobe illustration is very powerful to draw ‘fake’ 3D figures, but it is not free. For 2D figures, Inksapce is not a bad choice.
I am learning some topics in the physics and mathematics. I will update the learning note from time to time.
Blog and Peom
I am writing blog to practice my English and Chinese poem to record my mood…
Life, science, art, coding and so on…
There are many useful and interesting links, including the physics courses, software, sources of PhD thesis, scholars, and so on.